Saturday, September 13, 2014

Watch What happens if Coke is mixed with Milk

Interesting Experiment of what happens if you Mixed Coke with Milk.
Have you have tried mixing Milk with Coke. Watch to see what happens. Milk is alkaline and Coke is acidic, what would be the reaction if they are mixed together.

Watch to see what happens.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Duck Dynasty Star Phil Robertson's strategy for ISIS is: Convert or Die

Phil Robertson on ISIS on Hannity

Phil Robertson, the star of the "Duck Dynasty" reality TV show, says Islamic militants in Syria and Iraq either need some Jesus or need to be killed.

 "In this case, you either have to convert them, which I think would be next to impossible. I'm not giving up on them, but I'm just saying either convert them or kill them," Robertson said on the Fox News show "Hannity" on Tuesday night. "One or the other."

Robertson said ISIS is like "street gangs, street thugs on steroids" and said "we're going to have to deal with this group way more harshly than we have up to this point."

 Robertson said his first choice is Jesus.
 "I'd much rather have a Bible study with all of them and show them the error of their ways and point them to Jesus Christ," Robertson said. "However, if it's a gunfight and a gunfight alone, if that's what they're looking for, me personally, I am prepared for either one."

Here is the full interview with Hannity.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Arnab Goswami News Anchor Parody

This is a funny video made based on Arnab Goswami the New Anchor on Times Now. Watch and enjoy. Very funny indeed.

The Man with the largest turban in the World: Avatar Singh Mauna

He is Avatar Singh Mauna. He wears the worlds largest turban. When unwrapped it is 645 meters long. It wigs 100 pounds (45kg).

It is indeed surprising to see how he can bear that weight and walk around with it. Not just the turban but in addition he also carries the weapons and ornaments on the turban. Along with the ornaments it  weighs about 187 pounds (85 kilos). According to him he does not consider it a burden at all. He often travels on his motorbike

Mauni spends six hours a day getting it on his head, and his holy headgear is so large that the only way he can get to his local temple in Patiala, Northern India, is via motorcycle

 Mauni would like the recognition, but admits he wants to have more than just photo ops with his fellow humans

A Guy Claims to be Famous and asks a Girl for Phone Number. How would she react?

Is it true that girls make friendship with guys mostly to use their money. Is that a subtle way of extorting money from guys. Watch this video as this guys claims to be someone famous and asks the girl for her Phone Number. See how she reacts to it.